
Welcome to my blog! This is an academic place where I post my personal thoughts, opinions, and whatever else I see fit pertaining to the course AP World History Lab 9 at John Jay High School. I hope you will read my postings, vote in my polls, use the links I provide, and utilize and enjoy all the elements of my blog.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Class Reflection

To all my faithful readers (aka Mrs. Dailey):

My first time writing in a while. I looked into Beowulf, and it seems to be of an obscure Anglo-Saxon origin. This underlines a main point about vikings - we really don't know. None of the raiders would have been literate. We have no sources outside the extremely biased and one-sided church writing. The vikings are one of the most fascinating and mysterious of European people. Something about them fascinates us. There are scores of movies and books about them. They have become a fixture in our popular culture. But we must separate fact from fiction. We must always consider point of view. The vikings wore no horned helmets, and were not exactly the barbarians we have been taught that they were.

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